Two cases of Chlamydia psittaci pneumonia are presented. In each, a ra
pid diagnosis was made through the use of direct immunofluorescent ant
ibody staining of respiratory secretions with monoclonal antibodies to
chlamydial antigens. In one case the diagnosis was confirmed by the i
solation of the causative organism from sputum and a pharyngeal swab.
Chlamydial lipopolysaccharide was detectable in sputum from this patie
nt in an enzyme immunoassay. Serological responses to C. psittaci, Chl
amydia trachomatis, and Chlamydia pneumoniae were evaluated, and serol
ogical cross-reactivity was observed between each species. Rapid antig
en detection systems for Chlamydia species that use commercially avail
able reagents can be helpful in the evaluation of selected patient pop