Advances in the understanding of the pathophysiologic factors of acute
pancreatitis, combined with several recent technologic breakthroughs,
have led to the establishment of infected pancreatic necrosis as the
most common, the most severe and the most lethal of the infectious com
plications of acute pancreatitis. In this report, a single institution
al experience in the surgical management of infected pancreatic necros
is during a 15 year period is chronicled. Using open drainage with sch
eduled abdominal re-explorations, the overall mortality rate was 15 pe
rcent in 71 consecutive patients with infected pancreatic necrosis. In
the most recent 25 instances, sequential re-explorations were perform
ed until retroperitoneal granulation occurred, at which time the abdom
en was closed over lesser sac lavage catheters. Compared with the orig
inal 46 patients permitted to heal entirely by secondary intention, pa
tients undergoing delayed secondary closure and lavage had a significa
nt decrease during the hospitalization period (48.8 versus 30.1 days;
p<0.05), without a significant change in the mortality rate. In the mo
st recent patients, dynamic pancreatography and fine needle aspiration
bacteriologic factors were accurate in the preoperative prediction of
pancreatic necrosis and microbial infection in 95 and 97 percent of t
he patients, respectively. Preoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangi
opancreatography demonstrated leakage of contrast material from necrot
ic pancreatic ducts in seven of eight patients, while postoperative pa
ncreatograms revealed abrupt truncation or other abnormalities in 11 o
f 13 patients. These observations establish that necrotizing pancreati
tis involves pancreatic parenchyma as well as peripancreatic adipose t
issue. Open drainage with contingent secondary closure and high volume
lavage deserves a place in the management of patients with extensive
infected pancreatic necrosis.