The Surface Wave Dynamics Experiment (SWADE) took place east of the U.
S. Coast in the winter of 1990-1991. A major objective of the research
program is to refine our understanding of the relationship between fl
uxes to the sea surface and the sea state as determined from direction
al wave spectra. Simultaneous measurements of turbulent fluxes of mass
, momentum and energy between sea and air, with the directional wave s
pectra, were required to meet this objective. In this short article we
describe the process of obtaining turbulent flux measurements from a
small water-plane-area twin hull (SWATH) ship. We measured turbulent f
luxes of momentum, heat and water vapor from a tall mast at the bow of
the SWATH ship Frederick G. Creed by the eddy correlation method, whi
le the ship was moving into the wind. Directional wave spectra were ob
tained from a wave staff array ahead of the bow of the ship. The motio
n of the ship was recorded and a coordinate rotation was performed for
each data sample. After all instrument response and motion correction
s have been accounted for, we compare our calculated turbulent fluxes
with values computed from another standard method, viz. the inertial d
issipation method. This approach is not susceptible to platform motion
but relies on assumptions that are not always valid. However, the two
methods agree on average within 12%, 20% and 31% for momentum, water
vapor and heat fluxes, respectively.