Hypercholesterolemia is associated with endothelial cell dysfunction,
which may be partly related to an accumulation of toxic lipoprotein de
gradation products in artery walls. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein a
nd its products have been incriminated in the impairment of transmembr
ane signaling, a process that may alter the responsiveness of endothel
ial cells to mitogens. Endothelial cell replication is necessary for t
he growth of preexisting arterial channels and for the formation of ne
w microvessels (angiogenesis). Experiments in intact rabbits indicate
that endothelial replication necessary for vascular growth is markedly
impaired in the presence of hypercholesterolemia, a defect that may p
lay an important role in the pathophysiology of occlusive atherosclero
tic disease.