The neuropeptide, somatostatin is co-localised with acetylcholine and
galanin in cardiac vagal nerve fibres in the toad, Bufo marinus. Cardi
ac responses attributed to the release of somatostatin are profound br
adycardia, and potentiation of cardiac vagal action by increased acety
lcholine release. Cardiac slowing in response to a standard electrical
stimulus applied to the vagus (1-2 Hz for 10 s) was potentiated after
a 2 min high frequency stimulation (10 Hz). This potentiation of card
iac vagal action was abolished after a 1-hour period of repetitive vag
al stimulation. In the presence of atropine, increases in pulse interv
al recorded in response to vagal stimulation at various frequencies fo
r 2 min each, were significantly reduced after the hour of repetitive
stimulation. Potentiation of cardiac vagal action and increases in bas
eline pulse interval were recorded also in response to intravenous inj
ection of exogenous somatostatin. These responses were not significant
ly different after the hour of repetitive stimulation. It is concluded
that attenuation of the cardiac responses described after the hour of
repetitive stimulation is due to depletion of the stores of the neuro
peptide somatostatin in the vagal nerve endings.