The present study focused on the relationships between idiosyncratic s
extyping and self-esteem. Idiosyncratic, feminine, masculine, and nons
tereotyped sets of self-attributes, termed self-images (SI), rather th
an conventional masculinity, femininity and their interaction (androgy
ny), were used Findings from two studies with two groups of 337 Israel
i early adolescents boys and girls, and 280 male and female university
students, using two instruments of sex-typed self-attributes (newly d
evised Self-Related Self-Image Scale and Spence Personal Attributes Qu
estionnaire) and based on idiosyncratically defined sex images, suppor
ted our hypotheses. The findings showed that males' self-esteem was pr
edicted significantly by their masculine SI, that females' self-esteem
was predicted significantly by their nonstereotyped SI, and that the
feminine SI predicted significantly the self-esteem of neither. Findin
gs based on conventional sex role orientation scores supported former
findings of significant relationships between masculinity and male and
female self-esteem. The results showed that the self-esteem of male s
tudents, but not that of boys, was significantly predicted by their no
nstereotyped SI too. Partial support was found for the hypothesis that
more females than males are likely to redefine conventional masculine
attributes as nonstereotyped. The whole set of findings were interpre
ted as indicating that self-esteem is dependent on socially rewarded a
nd self-synchronized sex-typed attributes.