High-spin states in Rn-211 were populated using the reaction Pt-198(O-
18, 5n) at 96 MeV. Their decay was studied using gamma-ray and electro
n spectroscopy. The known level scheme is extended up to a spin of gre
ater than 69/2 and many non-yrast states are added. Semi-empirical she
ll-model calculations and the properties of related states in Rn-210 a
nd Rn-212 are used to assign configurations to some of the non-yrast s
tates. The properties of the high-spin states observed are compared to
the predictions of the multi-particle octupole-coupling model and the
semi-empirical shell model. The maximum reasonable spin available fro
m the valence particles and holes in 77/2 and states are observed to n
ear this limit.