Attempts to treat acute pancreatitis with protease inhibitors and secr
etion inhibitors have been unsuccessful. Endoscopic therapy for acute
pancreatitis is beneficial because it reduces the incidence of biliary
sepsis. Pancreas divisum may be treated successfully by endoscopic pl
acement of a dorsal duct stent. Asymptomatic pseudocysts can be safely
observed rather than drained even if they persist for more than 6 wee
ks. Extended pancreatic resections may improve the survival rate for p
atients with locally invasive cancer. Pylorus-preserving resection may
be less appropriate than the standard Whipple's resection for pancrea
tic head carcinomas. Endoscopic ultrasonography may be useful in local
izing islet cell tumors. Combined pancreas and kidney transplantation
is associated with a better outcome than is isolated pancreas allotran
splantation in diabetic patients.