Three experiments were conducted on the effect of abscisic acid (S-ABA
, the natural form) on bolting of Japanese radish (Raphanus sativus L.
). Exp. 1. Dry or pre-imbibed seeds of Japanese radish (cv. Taibyousou
butori) were soaked in water (control), 100 or 1,000 ppm S-ABA for 24
or 48 br at 15-degrees-C and sown immediately into small planter (6 x
6 x 6 cm3) filled with soil. The planters were kept at 8-degrees-C for
10 or 20 days and then transferred to a growth chamber kept at 22-deg
rees-C (day) and 18-degrees-C (night). Treatment with 1,000 ppm S-ABA
significantly inhibited bolting of the seedlings. Exp. 2. Four lots of
seeds was soaked in water, 250, 500 or 1,000 ppm S-ABA at 15-degrees-
C for 24 hr, allowed to dry completely, stored at 4-degrees-C for 5 mo
nths and then sown in planters as above. The inhibitory effect of S-AB
A on bolting of seedling persisted throughout the drying and storage p
eriods. Exp. 3. Pre-germinated seeds of eight Japanese radish cultivar
s were dipped in water or 50 ppm S-ABA at 5-degrees-C for 20 days and
then sown. In another test, young seedlings of eight radish cultivars
were sprayed with water or 250 ppm S-ABA during vernalization for 14 d
ays at 8-degrees-C. Thereafter, they were grown in the greenhouse. See
d-dipping or foliar spray applications of S-ABA inhibited bolting. The
efficiency of S-ABA, however, was cultivar-dependent ; seeds and seed
lings of 'Taibyousoubutori' and 'Natsuminowase No. 3' were most sensit
ive to S-ABA, whereas those of ''Wakayama'' and 'Kaiwaredaikon' were l
ess sensitive. The treatment with 50 ppm S-ABA on pre-germinated seeds
was more inhibitory than was the foliar application at 250 ppm. These
results show that S-ABA is useful in preventing bolting of Japanese r