Approximately 12 per cent of limbs undergoing intra-arterial thromboly
sis (IAT) develop distal embolism or extension of thrombus during the
procedure. These are usually of little clinical consequence and can be
treated by increasing the rate of administration of the lytic agent.
However, in some patients the clinical condition of the limb deteriora
tes rapidly. In an attempt to define the incidence of acute limb deter
ioration during IAT, information was collected from five centres in th
e UK with experience of the technique. A total of 866 treatments were
recorded, with 20 limbs (2.3 per cent) undergoing acute deterioration.
This complication was more common during the treatment of thrombosed
popliteal aneurysm than during that of emboli or thrombosed atheromato
us arteries or grafts (P < 0.001). The amputation rate associated with
the complication was high, and operative intervention provided better
results than continuation of lysis.