Liver transplantation is an accepted and successful mode of treatment
for pediatric end-stage liver disease. On the basis of a review of 229
liver transplantations in 185 children, the authors describe the imag
ing findings of the preoperative evaluation, the uncomplicated transpl
antation, various postoperative complications, and the suggested percu
taneous treatment of some of these complications. The most frequent in
dications for liver transplantation encountered in this review were bi
liary atresia (52%), acute fulminant hepatic failure (11%), alpha1-ant
itrypsin deficiency (9%), cryptogenic cirrhosis (6%), and chronic acti
ve hepatitis (4%). (The remaining 18% were various rare indications, r
epresenting < 4% each.) Routine Doppler ultrasound is the modality of
choice for the screening of postoperative complications, supplemented
with computed tomography, hepatobiliary scintigraphy, and cholangiogra
phy or angiography as needed. Familiarity with the normal graft appear
ance, as influenced by various surgical and technical factors, and kno
wledge of the underlying condition of the patient and the clinical cou
rse of postoperative complications are crucial for a correct interpret
ation of the findings from imaging studies.