Pediatricians and other health care providers need to understand adole
scent parenthood and its implication in order to provide effective acu
te, routine and preventive care to mother and child. The paper discuss
es risks of adolescent parenthood both to mother and child and interve
ntion programs that appear to work. The role of the pediatrician in ca
ring for children of adolescent parents is presented. Both the public
and scientific communities have recently focused a great deal of atten
tion on the growing rate of adolescent pregnancy and adolescent parent
ing resulting in a growing number of ''at fisk'' children. Pediatricia
ns and other health care providers need a realistic understanding of a
dolescent parenthood and its implications in order to provide effectiv
e acute, routine and preventive care to mother and child. The purpose
of this article is to review data regarding the problems related to ad
olescent parenthood and a review of intervention programs that appear
to work. The pediatrician's role in caring for children of adolescent
parents in an office or clinic-based practice is presented, based on t
his body of knowledge and the authors clinical experience working with
adolescent mothers and their children.