The elongation of terminal shoots was measured during 2 growth seasons
in a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) KARST.) provenance trial, compri
sing 36 provenances. Significant variation was found between provenanc
e regions for traits that characterize the timing and duration of the
growth period, but not for the rate of growth. Provenances from the No
rdic countries terminated their growth 20 days earlier in the summer t
han the provenances from Eastern Poland which had the latest growth ce
ssation. The duration of the growth period accounted for the larger pa
rt of the variation in shoot growth (80%) among provenances, while the
rate of growth was an equally important factor within provenances. Th
e day of growth cessation, the duration of the growth period and total
annual shoot growth were closely correlated to altitude for provenanc
es originating along an altitudinal gradient, but no such correlation
was found between rate of growth and altitude. Within a provenance reg
ion in southern Poland the variation among provenances was exclusively
in the timing and duration of the growth period. In another region in
the Baltic countries, variation in the rate of growth was equally imp
ortant as its duration for determining total shoot growth.