In the near future several new immunosuppressive substances will be av
ailable: Cyclosporin G, IMM125 (both are new derivates of Cyclosporin
A), FK506, Rapamycin, Leflunomid, Mycophenolic acid (RS-61443), Bredin
in (Mizorinin), Brequinar, Deoxyspergualin and several new monoclonal
antibodies (anti-CD4, anti-II-2-Receptor, anti-CD8, anti-CD45, anti-IC
AM1 and others). Side-effects of immunosuppressants are classified in
1) relative drug-specific or 2) unspecific effects of over-immunosuppr
ession (infections and malignancies). Nephrotoxicity of Cyclosporin A
and guidelines for its prevention are covered in more detail. The auth
ors fear, that the proliferation of new immunosuppressive drugs will m
ake it more difficult, to carefully evaluate their side-effects.