Background. The intensity of discordant xenograft cellular rejection m
akes it unlikely that safe doses of immunosuppressive drugs will alone
be sufficient to permit long-term survival. We have therefore concent
rated our efforts on establishing tolerance to xenogeneic organs throu
gh lymphohematopoietic chimerism and the elimination of performed natu
ral antibodies (nAbs). Methods. Here we report the most recent series
of II technically successful porcine to nonhuman primate transplantati
on procedures. In eight experimental animals induction therapy consist
ed of (1) 3 x 100 cGy nonlethal whole body irradiation (day -6 and day
-5) to all animals, (2) horse anti-human thymocyte globulin (day -5 d
ay -1, and day 0) to seven of the animals, (3) 700 cGy thymic irradiat
ion (day -1) to five of the animals, and (4) pig bone marrow infused o
n day 0 (2-9 x 10(8)/cells/kg). On day 0, just before the renal xenogr
aft, the recipient was splenectomized, and antipig nAbs were removed b
y means of perfusion of the monkey's blood through either a pig liver
(n = 6) or a Gal-alpha(1,3)-Gal adsorption column (n = 5). Three contr
ol animals did not receive this pretransplantation induction therapy b
ut did undergo hemoperfusion and posttransplantation immunosuppression
identical to the experimental animals. All II recipients were treated
after transplantation with cyclosporin A and 15-deoxyspergualin. Reco
mbinant pig-specific growth factors (interleukin-3 and stem cell facto
r) were given to six experimental animal from day 0 until the terminat
ion of the experiment. Results. Analysis of recipients' sera by means
of flow cytometry indicated the effective removal of immunoglobulin M
and immunoglobulin G nAbs by either liver perfusion or column adsorpti
on. In the eight experimental animal nAb titers remained low until dea
th (up to IT days), but in the three control animals nAb titers increa
sed substantially with time. The longest surviving recipient maintaine
d excellent Kidney function with creatinine levels at 0.8 to 1.3 mg/dl
throughout its course. Death occurred at day 15 from complications ca
used by a urinary leak and pancytopenia. Histologic examination of the
xenograft revealed only focal tubular necrosis and cytoplasmic vacuol
ization, with trace amounts of fibrin and C3 in peritubular capillarie
s. In this animal a fraction of the peripheral blood cells (3%) at day
7 were of pig origin as detected by pig-specific monoclonal antibodie
s. In addition, colony-forming assays performed on a bone marrow biops
y specimen taken at day 14 indicated that approximately 30% of the rel
atively few myeloid progenitors detected were of swine origin. Conclus
ions. We have demonstrated that our protocol is effective in the preve
ntion of hyperacute rejection and in the maintenance of excellent func
tion of the renal xenograft for up to 15 days. These results also indi
cate that at least short-term engraftment of the xenogeneic donor bone
marrow cells is possible to achieve in this discordant large animal c
ombination. Longer survivals will be required to assess the possible e
ffect of this engraftment on induction of tolerance.