K. Lompo et al., MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY IN OBSTETRICAL RE FERRAL PATIENTS ADMITTED TOBOBO-DIOULASSO HOSPITAL, BURKINA-FASO, Annales de la Societe belge de medecine tropicale, 73(2), 1993, pp. 153-163
The obstetrical referral patients admitted tot he Sanon Souro hospital
in Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) during 1991 were restrospectively re
viewed. During the study period 741 women were admitted. The median di
stance between the referring centre and Bobo-Dioulasso was 33 km. Medi
an age was 22 years and median parity was 3. Indications for referral
ware dominated by obstructed labour, haemorrhages and infections. The
proportion of maternal mortality in the study was 5.4% and was not rel
ated to maternal age or parity. However, there was a linear trend of i
ncreasing mortality according to the distance between the referring ce
ntre and Bobo-Dioulasso (X2 for trend: 7.56; p=0.006). The perinatal m
ortality rate of 420 p. thousand was not related to maternal age, but
a parity exceeding 4 was a risk factor for the occurrence of perinatal
death (relative risk: 1.4; 95% C.I. : 1.2-1.7). As for maternal morta
lity, there was a linear increase of perinatal mortality with the dist
ance from the referring centre (X2 : 20.8; p=0.00001). There was no ma
rked seasonal variation in the number of referrals nor in the mortalit
y rates per month.