The results of excavations at an early Holocene site on Zhokov Island
in the DeLong Archipelago of the Siberian High Arctic are reported. Th
e site's terrain and paleogeographic characteristics are discussed. Th
irteen semisubterranean house pits were identified and excavations wer
e carried out in two of them. The artifact assemblage reflects a Mesol
ithic association, with microblades, bone and antler inset tools, and
groundstone adzes. Radiocarbon analyses indicate a date for the cultur
al layer of about 7900 B.P. Faunal remains indicate a hunting economy
relying mainly on reindeer and polar bear. The significance of the sit
e in terms of the early penetration of the High Arctic by a continenta
l hunting culture is discussed, with a commentary on the state of know
ledge about early Holocene cultural complexes in Northeast Siberia.