Evidence for the production of b-flavoured baryons in Z0 decays is rep
orted from the analysis of 365 000 hadronic events collected by the DE
LPHI detector. Assuming that most of the weakly decaying b flavoured b
aryons produced by the Z0 are LAMBDA(b), the observed signal of (LAMBD
Al- + LAMBDAl+BAR) pairs, where l is a high transverse momentum lepton
in the same jet as the LAMBDA, leads to a production rate: f (b --> L
AMBDA(b)) x Br(LAMBDA(b) --> LAMBDAlnuX) = (0.41 +/- 0.13 +/- 0.09)%.
Using a sample of 18 reconstructed LAMBDA(b) decay vertices, the lifet
ime is determined to be tau(LAMBDA(b)) = ( 1.04(-0.38)+0.48 +/- 0.10)