Background. Dyslexia is a common disorder that has traditionally been
treated as a homogeneous condition. However, recent evidence indicates
that it is a heterogenous condition with several subtypes. For exampl
e, studies of the visual system indicate that not all dyslexics have a
normal visual pathway. Approximately 75% have a processing deficit in
the magnocellular pathway, Our previous study indicated that dysphone
idetic but not dyseidetic dyslexics exhibit a magnocellular pathway de
fect, Purpose, The purpose of this study was to expand our previous wo
rk by also examining dysphonetic dyslexics, Additionally, the stimulus
was altered to enhance detection of a magnocellular pathway defect in
any dyslexic subtype, Methods, Temporal contrast sensitivity function
s were determined with a flickering stimulus (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 Hz
) by using a temporal, two-alternative, forced-choice technique, Resul
ts, The results indicate that the dyseidetic dyslexics do not have a m
agnocellular pathway defect, whereas the dysphoneidetics do, Furthermo
re, examination of the individual dysphonetics indicated that the more
severely affected subjects also exhibited a magnocellular pathway def
ect, Conclusion, These results suggest that treatment strategies for d
yslexics may need to be modified to take into account their specific s