In this article we propose a novel time and wavelength division multip
le access (T/WDMA) scheme for a metropolitan area network based on a p
assive optical star. This scheme supports circuit-switched traffic in
an environment with a large number of users with applications that spa
n a broad range of data rates (from voice to full motion video). The s
cheme can be implemented using acoustooptic tunable filters characteri
zed by a relatively large tuning range (around 100 wavelengths) and a
relatively low tuning speed (around 10 mus). Performance of this schem
e is studied by simulation for the uniform, single-rate, point-to-poin
t traffic case. We also show how the multiwavelength filtering capabil
ity of acoustooptic tunable filters can be used to improve the perform
ance of the proposed T/WDMA scheme.