Using laparoscopy, different degrees of sexual receptivity and time of
ovulation after single copulation were determined in alpacas. Sexual
receptivity was assessed with intact males in 39 adults (> 3 years old
) and 37 yearlings (12-14 months) and then laparoscopy was performed t
o correlate it with size of ovarian follicles. Time of ovulation was a
lso determined at two different times after copulation. Females exhibi
ted three degrees of sexual receptivity: immediate and slow acceptance
, and refusal, with no difference between yearlings and mature animals
(P > 0.05). Female alpacas bred over a wide range of follicle size wi
th no differences between ages (P > 0.05 ). Fifty percent of females o
vulated at a normal time (30 h after copulation), 24% ovulated late (7
2 h). and ovulation was not observed in 26% of females. Forty percent
of the animals that failed to ovulate were yearlings and 15% adults (P
< 0.05). The average follicle size that ovulated was 8.1 mm, with 7 m
m as the minimum size for ovulation, and with no association between f
ollicle size and time of ovulation.