Most of the brain glycogen, a major energy reserve that can be mobiliz
ed in response to increased neuronal activity, resides in the astrocyt
e, the site of the neuropathological abnormality found in hepatic ence
phalopathy (HE). Ammonia, a neurotoxin implicated in the pathogenesis
of HE, has been reported to cause a depletion of glycogen in primary a
strocyte cultures. To further investigate the action of ammonia on gly
cogen levels, cultured astrocytes were exposed to ammonium chloride (1
-5 mM) for various times up to 7 d. Treatment with ammonia for 24 h di
d not alter deoxyglucose uptake, but significantly lowered peak glycog
en values (found at 1.5 h following feeding with medium containing 5.5
mM glucose) in a concentration-dependent manner. This inhibitory effe
ct was not observed after longer exposure times to ammonia. Three day
treatment of cells did, however, significantly reduce norepinephrine-s
timulated glycogenolysis, an effect not seen after 1 d of ammonia trea
tment. Part of the neurotoxic action of long term ammonia exposure in
humans and experimental animals may be to inhibit the breakdown of gly
cogen. The effect of ammonia on astrocyte glycogen synthesis and/or br
eakdown may disrupt glial neuronal signaling and thus play a role in t
he pathogenesis of HE.