Purpose: This study evaluates the influence of intraocular silicone oi
l on iris diabetic microangiopathy in diabetic vitrectomized eyes. Met
hods: The authors examined 20 eyes of 20 patients with diabetes underg
oing primary vitrectomy for tractional diabetic retinal detachment, en
dophotocoagulation, and 1000 centistokes silicone oil tamponade. The v
ascular status of the iris in these eyes was examined by iris fluoresc
ein angiography once before silicone oil injection and again when it w
as removed (mean follow-up, 8.3 months). Results: Iris diabetic microa
ngiopathy, including breakdown of the blood-iris barrier and iris neov
ascularization, improved or remained stable in 40% of eyes. It worsene
d in 60% bf eyes, including all aphakic eyes. Neovascular glaucoma dev
eloped in one of them. A significant correlation was found between wor
sening of iris diabetic microangiopathy and both aphakia (P = 0.01) an
d severe immediate postvitrectomy inflammation (P = 0.02). Eyes with r
ecurrent retinal detachment (n = 4) showed worsening of iris diabetic
microangiopathy, but this was not significantly correlated. Conclusion
: Aphakic vitrectomized eyes have a higher risk of iris diabetic micro
angiopathy developing, even after silicone oil tamponade. Immediate po
stoperative intraocular inflammation also is a risk factor for worseni
ng of iris diabetic microangiopathy in phakic eyes. Recurrence of reti
nal detachment was not significantly correlated with worsening of iris