The heat flow pattern of Europe, derived from more than 8000 observati
ons, is dominated by a general northeast to southwest increase in geot
hermal activity, which is the consequence of the tectonic evolution of
the whole continent. This paper reviews the history of the geothermal
mapping of Europe, and describes the recently compiled set of geother
mal maps of Europe. Surface heat flow is correlated with the age of th
e last tectonothermal event, with the near-surface heat production and
with the crustal thickness. Deep temperature distributions within the
crust-lithosphere are calculated for 1-D, 2-D and simple 3-D models.
Characteristic temperature-depth curves are given for some of the majo
r tectonic provinces, and the results of various techniques are compar
ed. The value of the crustal heat contribution is assessed and a regio
nal Moho heat flow pattern is proposed. The Mohorovicic discontinuity
is clearly not an isothermal surface, neither is the heat flow from be
low the crust constant.