Hepatox (C) is a data base on the hepatotoxic drugs file published eve
ry year in Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique. The program was d
eveloped under Omnis 7(R) for Apple computers, and under Visul Basic P
rofessionnal Toolkit(R) and Code Base(R) for IBM PC and compatibles co
mputers. The data base includes forms of 866 drugs identified by their
approved name and those of their 1 300 corresponding proprietary name
s in France; drugs are distributed among 104 pharmacological classes.
It is possible to have instantaneously access to the card of a drug id
entified by its approved name. Acceding to a drug identified by its pr
oprietary name gives a list of the approved name of its components; go
ing from a name of this list to the correspondent card of hepatoxicity
is immediate. It is easy to extract lists of drugs responsable of a t
ype of hepatic injury, and a table of types of hepatic injuries induce
d by the drugs of a pharmacological class.