This paper presents a novel fuzzy self-tuning PID control scheme for r
egulating industrial processes. The essential idea of the scheme is to
parameterize a Ziegler-Nichols-like tuning formula by a single parame
ter alpha, then to use an on-line fuzzy inference mechanism to self-tu
ne the parameter. The fuzzy tuning mechanism, with process output erro
r and error rate as its inputs, adjusts alpha in such a way that it sp
eeds up the convergence of the process output to a set-point y(r), and
slows down the divergence trend of the output from y(r). A comparativ
e simulation study on various processes, including a second-order proc
ess, processes with long dead-time and non-minimum phase processes, sh
ows that the performance of the new scheme improves considerably, in t
erms of set-point and load disturbance responses, over the PID control
lers well-tuned using both the classical Ziegler-Nichols formula and t
he more recent Refined Ziegler-Nichols formula.