The brains of 19 healthy adults, ages 18-49, were imaged on a GE Signa
1.5 T MR scanner. Basal ganglia were circumscribed on sequential axia
l proton density-weighted images (TR 1700, TE 20) and submitted for 3-
dimensional reconstruction and volumetric analysis at a computer graph
ics workstation. The 15 right-handed patients (12 men, 3 women) had si
gnificantly larger left total basal ganglia volumes, which included la
rger globus pallidus and lenticular nuclei on the left, but larger cau
date nuclei on the right. In contrast, basal ganglia asymmetries were
not seen in four left-handers. No sex differences were detected. The b
asal ganglia appear to belong to an increasing number of CNS structure
s that display anatomical hemispheric lateralization.