A mathematical model relating deformation to electrochemical behaviors
of metals in aqueous solution has been developed. The model was estab
lished based upon principles of holographic interferometry for measuri
ng microscopic deformation and of electrochemistry for measuring the c
orrosion of metals, i.e., anodic dissolution current. The model can be
used to calculate the stress corrosion of metals under a constant loa
d or displacement in a polarized or unpolarized condition. The current
density of metals can be calculated as a function of imposed deformat
ions. The model was used to calculate the stress corrosion behavior of
a nickel electrode under a constant load in 1 N H2SO4 solution. The c
alculation was based on a hypothetical optical arrangement of the holo
graphic interferometry as well as on empirical parameters of Ni electr
ochemistry in the solution. The study was successful in developing an
experimental technique for investigating the influence of deformation
on corrosion. The development of the technique was based on a new opti
cal transducer. The new transducer incorporated electrochemical method
s with those of holographic interferometry. The transducer was capable
of measuring microscopic deformation and the corresponding anodic dis
solution current of the surface of metal simultaneously. As a result,
data on stress corrosion tests of a molybdenum electrode in 0.75 N KCI
and a nickel electrode in 1 N H2SO4 were obtained.