Fourteen children presenting with anogenital (AG) warts and their clos
e family members were studied; 28.6 and 8.3% of presenting children an
d other child household members, respectively, had non-genital cutaneo
us warts; 42.8% of children with AG warts had one or more adult househ
old member with common hand warts. Fifty per cent of all mothers had s
ubclinical cervical papilloma virus (PV) infection; only one male adul
t had subclinical PV infection of the penis without concurrent AG wart
s. Of the children with AG warts 42.8% had one or more adult household
member with AG warts. Human papilloma virus (HPV) deoxyribonucleic ac
id (DNA), type 6/11 most frequently, was detected in 38.5% AG wart bio
psies from children, and 67% AG wart biopsies from adults. HPV 31/33/3
5 was detected in 28.5% of cervical preneoplasias and type 6/11 in the
one case of subclinical PV infection of the penile shaft. Detection o
f HPV types 6/11, 16/18, or 31/33/35 in AG warts in children was signi
ficantly associated with vertical (from an HPV-infected maternal birth
canal during vaginal delivery) or sexual transmission of these warts
(Fisher exact probability P=0.031).