The available experimental data and information on the thermoelectric
power of the following ten binary alloy systems: aluminum-copper, alum
inum-magnesium, copper-gold, copper-nickel, copper-palladium, copper-z
inc, gold-palladium, gold-silver, iron-nickel, and silver-palladium, a
nd of the following eleven metals: aluminum, copper, gold, iron, lead,
magnesium, nickel, palladium, platinum, silver, and zinc have been co
mpiled, critically evaluated, analyzed, correlated, and synthesized to
generate reliable reference data (recommended values). The recommende
d values for each of most of the alloy systems are generated for 27 co
mpositions: 0 (pure element), 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 10(5)95, 97, 99, 99.5, and
100% (pure element) covering the temperature range from near the abso
lute zero to above 1000 K for most of the alloy compositions.