A technique for extraction of bulky tissue during laparoscopic surgery
is presented. One laparoscopic cannula is replaced with a sigmoidosco
pe which acts as a wide-bore cannula. At laparoscopic cholecystectomy,
22 of 60 (38%) patients were found to require wound enlargement to re
move a grossly diseased gall-bladder. Use of a sigmoidoscope as a cann
ula was associated with fewer technical complications than surgical wo
und extension. At laparoscopic appendicectomy, the appendix could not
be removed through the standard laparoscopic cannula in 16 of 46 (31%)
cases. The incidence of wound infection was significantly lower after
laparoscopic appendicectomy than among a group of 98 patients having
conventional appendicectomy (P = 0.024). It is concluded that a sigmoi
doscope can be used as a replacement cannula allowing uncomplicated re
moval of bulky tissue and reducing wound contamination.