Infection with HIV produces a derangement of cell-mediated immunity th
at can result in cytomegalo virus retinitis in 20% to 30% of affected
individuals. The clinical features of initial and recurrent cytomegalo
virus retinitis are presented, and the rationale for regular screening
of patients with AIDS is reviewed. Intravenous ganciclovir and foscar
net are currently the only anticytomegalovirus medications approved by
the Food and Drug Administration. Clinical trials of oral and intravi
treal administration routes, as well as the role of synergy between th
ese agents, are ongoing. In addition, trials of a new class of anticyt
omegalovirus medication, and cytomegalovirus chemoprophylaxis are comm
encing. The indications, and the anatomic and visual results of cytome
galovirus retinal detachment surgery are discussed.