The growth of Ga overlayers on Si(112) has been studied using Auger el
ectron spectroscopy and low-energy electron diffraction. The feasibili
ty of the (112) surface as a template for the growth of Ga quantum wel
l wires is also explored. For substrate temperatures between room temp
erature and 450-degrees-C we observe the Stranski-Krastanov growth mod
e in which islands form on top of one to two overlayers. Above 450-deg
rees-C a well-ordered overlayer structure yielding a (6 x 1) LEED patt
ern is observed. Once this overlayer structure is formed there is litt
le or no change in the AES signal or LEED pattern with increasing depo
sition. Thermal desorption measurements from this overlayer coverage r
eveal a much higher desorption energy than from either the Ga islands
or from Ga on Si(111) and Si(001) substrates. These results suggest th
at the Ga atoms are strongly bound in chains along the step edges of t
he facet surface.