Patients with epithelial or mucosal carcinoma of the esophagus are con
sidered to have a much better prognosis than those with submucosal car
cinoma, although both lesions are classified as superficial carcinomas
of the esophagus. With this in mind, we evaluated the usefulness of e
ndoscopic ultrasonography for pre-operatively distinguishing either ep
ithelial or mucosal carcinoma from submucosal carcinoma by comparing t
he results of endoscopic ultrasonography with the histological finding
s established in resected specimens. Between 1987 and 1991, 26 patient
s with no pre-operative treatment were confirmed histologically to hav
e epithelial (2 cases), mucosal (11 cases) or submucosal (13 cases) ca
rcinomas of the esophagus. In 13 patients with epithelial or mucosal c
arcinoma, 10 were correctly diagnosed with endoscopic ultrasonography
(76.9%), while the remaining 3 were overdiagnosed as being submucosal.
In 13 patients with submucosal carcinoma, 12 were correctly diagnosed
by endoscopic ultrasonography (92.3%), although another case was over
estimated. Including one patient with an advanced carcinoma who was un
derdiagnosed by endoscopic ultrasonography as having a submucosal lesi
on, the overall accuracy of endoscopic ultrasonography was 81.5% for d
iagnosing the depth of invasion of a superficial esophageal carcinoma.
The above results show that endoscopic ultrasonography can provide su
rgeons with important information in the pre-operative assessment of a
superficial esophageal carcinoma.