The methylation status in the human-muscle enolase gene (ENO3) was ass
ayed. Previous sequence data and MspI cleavage sites indicate the pres
ence of a 5' CpG-rich island of at least 4 kb: none of 22 characterize
d MspI CCGG sites is methylated in any of muscle, sperm or brain DNA.
However a complex pattern of complete and partial methylation of MspI
sites that is different between tissues is observed within the ENO3 ge
ne: events at one site may be specific to muscle DNA. The absence of m
ethylation in the promoter region of the ENO3 gene makes it unlikely t
hat methylation plays a causal role either in transcriptional events o
r in the divergence of enolase-isogene regulation. The role of tissue-
specific methylation events within ENO3 remains to be determined.