Solutions of PbS particles and gelatin were used for the preparation o
f nanocomposites by a spin-coating process. This allows for the prepar
ation of nanocomposite films with controlled thickness, e.g., between
40 nm and 2 mum for a film containing 45 wt. % PbS. Surface roughness
and film thickness were investigated by surface profilometry and scann
ing electron microscopy (SEM). The refractive index at 632.8 nm can be
expressed by a linear function of the volume fraction of PbS in the r
ange of 0 to 55 vol. % PbS. In this range, the refractive index increa
ses from 1.5 to 2.5 with increasing PbS ratio and belongs, therefore,
to the highest refractive indices known for polymeric composite materi