In the clinical and economic evaluation of health care, the value of b
enefit gained should be determined from a public perspective. The obje
ctive of this study was to establish relative valuations attached to d
ifferent health states to form the basis for a 'social tariff' for use
in quantifying patient benefit from health care. Three thousand three
hundred and ninety-five interviews were conducted with a representati
ve sample of the adult British population. Using the EuroQol health st
ate classification and a visual analogue scale (VAS), each respondent
valued 15 health states producing, in total, direct valuations for 45
states. Two hundred and twenty-one re-interviews were conducted approx
imately 10 weeks later. A near complete, and logically consistent, VAS
data set was generated with good test-retest reliability (mean ICC =
0.78). Both social class and education had a significant effect, where
higher median valuations were given by respondents in social classes
III-V and by those with intermediate or no educational qualifications.
These effects were particularly noticeable for more severe states. Th
e use of such valuations in a social tariff raises important issues re
garding the use of the VAS method itself to elicit valuations for hypo
thetical health states, the production of separate tariffs according t
o social class and/or education and the appropriate measure of central