The characteristic of patheticness in the case of a young female victi
m of child abuse has been presented, underscoring the phallic quality
of this trait and its root, distinctiveness from the tragic character.
Many patients, historical figures, and other individuals are prematur
ely judged as tragic when, in fact, we are reacting uncritically to th
e impact of their profound patheticness, at a point when, more often t
han not, such patheticness has not yet reached its lowest ebb, when it
is still not too late to transform mute resignation to the neurosis o
f tragic fatalism into a more heroic deployment of destiny (Bollas, 19
91, pp. 314). Phallic patheticness, in fact, represents a higher psych
ical achievement by virtue of its transient quality and its propensity
to enable basic, if conflictual object-relationships and the recovery
from psychic trauma. To be sure, many individuals with advanced perso
nality structures have introjected into their personal value system a
sense of the tragic, an identification with the tragic, or a special p
roclivity toward the tragic aspects of life, but this in and of itself
does not render such individuals tragic, nor do they typically evoke
in others the inner experience of maximum catastrophe or calamity. It
is argued that the distinction between pathetic and tragic psychic str
ucture can be clarified through carefully interpreted counter-transfer