We show that the quasi-ID aspect of the electronic motion leads to new
developments in the physics of localization. In a conductor with an o
pen Fermi surface, the magnetic field makes the electronic motion more
and more one-dimensional, in the sense that it confines the wave func
tions on the chains. Therefore, the effect of disorder is stronger whe
n the field is increased. As a consequence, a strong magnetic field in
duces a crossover to a ID localized state. We also extend the original
work of A.G. Lebed' on the phase diagram of BCS quasi-ID superconduct
ors in a magnetic field. The usual Ginzburg-Landau regime is followed,
when increasing the field, by a series of superconducting phases. The
first order transitions between these phases are related to. commensu
rability effects between the periodicity of the order parameter and th
e distance between chains. The order parameter and the current distrib
ution of these new phases show a new symmetry (of laminar type) which
has never been observed or predicted in other systems.