Experimental systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can be induced in mice
by immunization with a human monoclonal antibody to DNA that bears a
common idiotype (16/6Id). These mice generate antibodies to 16/6Id, an
tibodies to DNA, and antibodies directed against nuclear antigens. Sub
sequently, manifestations of SLE develop, including leukopenia, protei
nuria, and immune complex deposits in the kidney. In contrast, after i
mmunization with 16/6Id, mice lacking major histocompatibility complex
(MHC) class I molecules generated antibodies to 16/6Id but did not ge
nerate antibodies to DNA or to nuclear antigen. Furthermore, they did
not develop any of the above clinical manifestations. These results re
veal an unexpected function of MHC class I in the induction of autoimm
une SLE.