This study examines the factor structure of persistent schizophrenic s
ymptoms and compares factors derived from different rating scales. For
ty stable chronic schizophrenic patients were assessed for positive an
d negative symptoms. In factor analysis, 3 factors could be detected:
a negative factor which correlated with low drug dose and increased in
voluntary movements, a thought disturbance/paranoid factor which corre
lated negatively with extrapyramidal side effects and a delusion/hallu
cination factor which correlated negatively with involuntary movements
. These findings support the existence of a negative factor but only p
artly the trichotomous division of schizophrenic symptoms. Positive sy
mptom organisation is heterogeneous but thought disorder marks one cle
ar dimension and non-paranoid delusions and hallucinations may mark an
other. The type of scale used has very significant effects on the find