The mean obliquity of Mars may have increased over geologic time due t
o climatic changes associated with obliquity oscillations; this mechan
ism is dubbed ''climate friction.'' Given here is the mathematical the
ory of climate friction. Also, a 10 m.y. numerical integration of the
equations for a hypothetically large amount of climate friction is per
formed, for the cases of the obliquity oscillations being (1) a single
sinusoid and (2) a sum of three sinusoids. Theory and numerics agree
in both cases within about 12% on the size of the secular increase in
obliquity, with most of the discrepancy coming from the theory giving
obliquity amplitudes approximately 10% too large. Further, one possibl
e mechanism of climate friction is investigated here: ''postglacial re
bound'' on Mars. The idea is that giant polar caps form when the obliq
uity is low. These caps slowly squeeze out an equatorial bulge. When t
he obliquity is high, the caps disappear, but the bulge takes some tim
e to collapse, due to mantle viscosity. Thus the equatorial bulge osci
llates but is out of phase with the obliquity oscillations. Like tidal
friction, this causes a secular increase in the average obliquity. Us
ing the preferred climate model of Francois et al. (1990), the total s
ecular increase in the obliquity over the age of the solar system can
amount to about 10-degrees if Mars' mantle has an Earthlike effective
viscosity of 3 x 10(21) Pa s (3 x 10(22) P). The secular change is neg
ligible for effective viscosities which differ by more than a factor o
f 10 from this value. Last, how much climate friction tipped the Earth
is presently unknown.