To document the frequency and distribution of repetitive elements in P
eromyscus leucopus, the white-footed mouse, a cosmid genomic library w
as examined. Two thousand thirteen randomly chosen recombinants, with
an average insert size of 35 kb and representing 2.35% of the haploid
genome of P. leucopus, were screened with probes representing microsat
ellites, tandem repeats, and transposable elements. Of the four dinucl
eotides, (GT)n was present in 87% of the clones, (CT)n was present in
59% of the clones, and (AT)n and (GC)n each was represented in our sam
ple by a single clone (0.05%). (TCC)n was present in 8% of the clones.
Of the tandem repeats, the 28S ribosomal probe and the (TTAGGG)n telo
mere probe were not represented in the library, whereas a heterochroma
tic fragment was present in 9% of the clones. A transposable element,
mys, was estimated to occur in 4700 copies, whereas a long intersperse
d element (LINE) was estimated to occur in about 41,000 copies per hap
loid genome. LINE and mys occurred together in the same clones more fr
equently than expected on the basis of chance. Hybridizing the library
to genomic DNA from P. leucopus, Reithrodontomys fulvescens, Mus musc
ulus, and human produced general agreement between phylogenetic relate
dness and intensity of hybridization. However, dinucleotide repeats ap
peared to account for a disproportionately high number of positive clo
nes in the more distantly related taxa.