THE ODONTOGENIC KERATOCYST IS A common odontogenic cyst which accounts
for 10% of all oral cysts. Odontogenic keratocysts are believed to ar
ise from remnants of the dental lamina and are found in locations whic
h may be encountered by periodontists. Keratocysts have a distinctive
histopathologic appearance and are known to be locally aggressive and
have a high recurrence rate, thus requiring close long-term follow-up.
Odontogenic keratocysts are one component of the basal cell nevus syn
drome and all patients with odontogenic keratocysts should be evaluate
d for this syndrome. This paper reviews odontogenic keratocysts and pr
esents a case treated by conservative enucleation and ultrasonic debri
dement of the cystic cavity with no evidence of recurrence at five yea