Nr. Smith et Gd. Hess, A COMPARISON OF VERTICAL EDDY MIXING PARAMETERIZATIONS FOR EQUATORIALOCEAN MODELS, Journal of physical oceanography, 23(8), 1993, pp. 1823-1830
The vertical eddy mixing formulations employed in the K-theory model o
f Pacanowski and Philander and in second-moment closure models are com
pared for an equatorial Pacific Ocean simulation. The Pacanowski and P
hilander model is found to be mainly driven by changes in the stratifi
cation rather than shear-generated instabilities, and the position and
width of the mixing transition zone between high and low mixing value
s is found to be sensitive to the parameters of the model. In the seco
nd-moment closure models the master length scale limit effectively det
ermines the threshold of the mixing zone, while the inclusion of stora
ge, advection, and diffusion terms in the turbulent kinetic energy equ
ation affects both the position and extent of the transition zone. Vis
cous mixing is more intense than diffusive mixing in the Pacanowski an
d Philander scheme, but in the second-moment closure models the revers
e tends to be true. As expected, there is no simple functional relatio
nship between the gradient Richardson number and the intensity of mixi
ng in the second-moment closure schemes.