Smectite was reacted at several temperatures between 20-degrees-C and
500-degrees-C to produce interstratified illite/smectite (I/S) with di
fferent proportions of expandable layers. Dispersed and sedimented pro
ducts were examined using a transmission electron microscope. Particle
size and aspect ratio showed no systematic change as a function of re
action extent during RO illitization. However, particles exhibited rou
nded edges during the early stages of the reaction, suggesting some di
ssolution of primary smectite. Additionally, increasing particle contr
ast in the electron beam suggests thickening of particles with increas
ing reaction extent. The thickening of particles is thought to be prod
uced by the nucleation and precipitation of secondary illite layers on
primary smectite layers. In the most extensively reacted I/S, particl
es have become aggregated into clumps or quasicrystals by lateral grow
th of illite layers. Internal uniformity of crystallographic alignment
of individual growing crystals within each aggregate was reflected in
the increasing frequency of 60-degrees and 120-degrees interfacial an
gles within each aggregate. In highly illitic I/S, these aggregates to
ok on an overall euhedral form and became crystallographically contigu
ous, producing single crystal electron diffraction patterns.