Development of the stomach, with emphasis on the filter system, was in
vestigated in the metanauplius, calyptopis, and furcilia stages of the
Antarctic krill Euphausia superba. The metanauplius lacks an elaborat
ed stomach as well as a connection between the esophagus and the midgu
t. In calyptopis I, the stomach becomes functional. The armature of th
e cardiac stomach consists of basic components such as lateral and ven
tral projections and stout spines, but not a primary filter. The latte
r develops before molt beneath the cuticle and is seen in the exuvial
space of calyptopis II. With molting to calyptopis III, the primary fi
lter is elaborated and becomes capable of sorting food particles and o
f separating a dorsal food from a ventral filtration channel. Although
in furcilia IV the spacing of spines in the primary filter is nearly
identical to that in the adult specimens, the filter spines in calypto
pis III are more widely separated. In all larval stages examined (exce
pt furcilia IV), the development of the pyloric stomach is delayed wit
h respect to that of the cardiac stomach. Residues of a pyloric second
ary filter system were not found in developing stages of Euphausia sup