Ecological features of the lycaenid species listed in the Spanish Lepi
doptera Red Data Book are described For each of the 13 species we give
the geographic distribution and describe the larval foodplants, pheno
logy, adult resources and habitat. The species are grouped into three
categories according to habitat: (i) climax high-altitude sites (Lysan
dra golgus, Agriades glandon, A. zullichi and Aricia morronensis) whic
h can be protected with no special management; (ii) early successional
habitats such as landslides and rocky areas (Cupido lorquinii, Lysand
ra nivescens, Aricia nicias and A. morronensis) requiring minimal mana
gement for conservation; and iii) habitats kept open by grazing, mowin
g and burning Maculinea arion, M. alcon, M. rebeli, M. nausithous, Iol
ana iolas, Plebejus pylaon and some populations of Aricia morronensis)
. The conservation of the last group involves the preservation of trad
itional land uses. Some important populations of the most vulnerable s
pecies could be preserved through the protection of target areas.