We have developed and implemented a new method for estimating travelti
mes and amplitudes in a general smooth two-dimensional (2-D) model. Th
e basic idea of this wavefront (WF) construction approach is to use ra
y tracing to estimate a new WF from the old one. The WF is defined as
a curve (in 2-D) of constant traveltime from the source. The ray direc
tion and amplitude will then be a function of s, the distance along th
e front. To maintain a sufficiently small sampling distance along the
WF, it is scanned at every time step and new rays are interpolated whe
never the distance between two rays becomes larger than a predefined l
imit. As the wavefronts are constructed. the data (i.e. traveltimes, a
mplitude coefficients, etc.) are transferred to the receivers by inter
polation within the ray cells. Advantages of the WF construction metho
d are its flexibility, robustness, and accuracy. First, second. and la
ter arrivals may be found at any point in the model. Any shape of the
initial wavefront is possible. The drawbacks of the method are the sam
e as for conventional ray tracing: large velocity contrasts, caustics
and near-critical incidence angle of rays onto interfaces will give le
ss accurate solutions.