Background-Studies of patient attitudes to asthma and its control have
focused on crisis action, and little attention has been paid to attit
udes to regular preventive medication. It is not clear whether attitud
es to regular medication are related to the degree of distress or inte
rference with life perceived by patients as being caused by their asth
ma. For this reason this study examined how far dislike of medication
related to dislike of other aspects of interference of asthma with dai
ly life. Methods-Three hundred and ninety one patients were surveyed w
ith a questionnaire which assessed their dislike of the interference o
f asthma with their physical, social, and emotional functioning, toget
her with dislike of regular asthma medication. A response was received
from 320 patients (82%). Results-Four attitude clusters were identifi
ed. Recorded in descending factor order, these were (1) dislike of ast
hma medication, (2) dislike of disability, (3) dislike of public life
interference, and (4) dislike of social and emotional interference. Th
e attitude clusters were not related: in particular, dislike of asthma
medication could not be predicted from other dislikes, or from asthma
best function ratio (ratio of best recorded peak expiratory flow rate
in the previous year to predicted value), age, or sex. The most signi
ficant predictors of the patients' dislike of taking their own inhaled
steroid were (1) dislike of using bronchodilator, (2) dislike of ster
oids generally, and (3) dislike of taking medicine every day. Conclusi
ons-Patient attitudes to regular asthma medication are not related to
general anxieties and dislikes about asthma, nor to the potential for
asthma control as judged by the best function ratio. Patients were not
always consistent in their attitude to inhaled steroids in general, n
or to their own named inhaled steroid in particular. A general cluster
of antimedication attitudes existed, independent of whether the medic
ation was for prophylaxis or relief. Attitudes to asthma medication ma
y be helpful in predicting patient behaviour.